Simon Coope Karate School

Traditional Karate

Simon Coope Karate School practice traditional Wado-Ryu karate, which is one of the four main karate styles in the world (and, arguably, one of the most popular)! Teaching traditional karate is the main focus of the club and we aim to teach it to the highest standard possible. Learning karate properly does mean our exams (gradings) are harder than most local clubs, so gaining your next belt takes real dedication, application and effort – but in the end, your black belt has real meaning. 

With this in mind, SCKS are a part of Wadokai England and students are encouraged to train with Sensei Sakagami, 8th Dan, and Sensei Peter May, 8th Dan, as often as possible. This is available through attending Wadokai England Squad sessions and Awakai “Way to Excellence”, Sakagami’s own association. 

Sakagami Sensei is the highest graded instructor in Europe and is one of the original Japanese instructors who traveled to the UK in the 1960’s with Suzuki Sensei. Suzuki Sensei, who was also Simon’s first Japanese instrcutor, was the head of the three-man team who traveled the world in the late 1950’s to introduce karate to the world, giving exhibitions in places such as Madison Square Garden as well as delivering many television interviews. They made karate what it is today!

Club members are also encouraged to train all over Europe with members of the Japanese Karate Federation Wadokai at the technical committee led seminars. Through attending these courses, SCKS have gained a reputation for technical excellence which encourages members of other clubs to train with us. Members can also travel to the Wadokai dojos in Japan where you will find that the lessons are formatted like our own as we follow the original syllabus of Wado-Ryu. Our students feel right at home!

In Europe, many Shotokan clubs call themselves “Traditional Karate Clubs”, not understanding that there are many styles of traditional karate. Please rest assured that at Simon Coope Karate School you or your child are learning a properly recognised martial art with millions of practitioners around the world.